AiEditor is a next-generation rich text editor for AI.

AIEditor Pro Features:

1. Comment function: After selecting the content, you can make an annotation in the pop-up menu.

2. Multi-person collaboration: Multiple users can experience it by opening the current URL at the same time.

3. Latex mathematical formula: example: $\pm\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}$ (or copy this content to the editor to see?).

4. Block drag: Sort the content by block drag similar to Notion.

5. Word Features: Word Export and Import.

6. PDF Features: PDF Export.

7. Other enhancements: “Drag” and “Pin” features for AI Panel and AI Translation

1. 批注功能:选择内容后,在弹出的菜单里,进行批注。

2. 多人协作:多个用户同时打开当前网址,即可体验。

3. Latex 数学公式:例如:$\pm\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}$ (或者复制这个内容到编辑器看看?)。

4. 块状拖拽:类似 Notion 的块状拖拽对内容进行排序。

5. Word 功能:Word 的导入和导出

6. PDF 功能:PDF 导出

7. 其他增强功能:AI 面板与 AI 翻译的 “拖动” 和 “钉住” 功能